AAIC Sponsored “Athlete of the Week”.

AAIC would like to congratulate our “Athlete of the Week”, Justin Scott. 

On Saturday, August 26th, Justin competed in the O’Town Hustle Super Sprint Triathlon, a 150-meter swim, 10-mile bike and 2-mile run as described in his own words.

My 1st Sprint-Triathlon

The morning of the event was cool, overcast and raining a perfect day for a challenging workout, right?  When I arrived, I was immediately greeted by other athletes setting up and preparing to get started. Everyone I spoke with was so helpful, informative, and supportive. As always, Lining up and preparing to take off for the swim I kept reminding myself that all I wanted to do today was finish. Once I jumped in the water and began it seemed like time flew by and it was over as fast as it started. Climbing out of the pool I was so happy to be done with the swim portion. I raced to the transition area to dry off, put on my shoes, grabbed my helmet, bike, and took off. Next up, 10- miles through the rolling hills of north O’Fallon, Il. The bike portion went extremely well and was even able to chat with other riders off and on as we played leapfrog passing one another back and forth, as I rode into the last mile the crowd cheering all the participants on was extremely motivating. As a long-time runner, once I got into the transition area racked the bike and took off for the run portion, I knew immediately that with an easy 2- mile run left I was home free. The run felt amazing and as I approached the end, I picked up my pace and gave everything I had left to finished strong. This was an eye-opening experience, no matter how much you swim, bike, or run compiling the 3 events together was an Amazing Challenge.

“If you want something you’ve never had, you must do something you’ve never done.”  Thomas Jefferson

Completing what you set out to do is always a confidence boost. Only our minds can stop us from reaching our goals…..and Yes, I will do it again.

I am a Dad, a Type One Diabetic, a Marathoner and now a Triathlete….   What’s Next ?

Justin Scott Triathlon